Minggu, 11 April 2010

Delay Pool

#This is the most important part for shaping incoming traffic with Squid
#For detailed description see squid.conf file or docs at http://www.squid-cache.org
#We don't want to limit downloads on our local network.
acl magic_words1 url_regex -i 192.168
#We want to limit downloads of these type of files
#Put this all in one line
acl magic_words2 url_regex -i ftp .exe .mp3 .vqf .tar.gz .gz .rpm .zip .rar .avi .mpeg .mpe .mpg .qt .ram .rm .iso .raw .wav .mov
#We don't block .html, .gif, .jpg and similar files, because they
#generally don't consume much bandwidth

#We want to limit bandwidth during the day, and allow
#full bandwidth during the night
#Caution! with the acl below your downloads are likely to break
#at 23:59. Read the FAQ in this bandwidth if you want to avoid it.
acl day time 09:00-23:59
#We have two different delay_pools
#View Squid documentation to get familiar
#with delay_pools and delay_class.
delay_pools 2
#First delay pool
#We don't want to delay our local traffic.
#There are three pool classes; here we will deal only with the second.
#First delay class (1) of second type (2).
delay_class 1 2
#-1/-1 mean that there are no limits.
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
#magic_words1: 192.168 we have set before
delay_access 1 allow magic_words1

#Second delay pool.
#we want to delay downloading files mentioned in magic_words2.
#Second delay class (2) of second type (2).
delay_class 2 2
#The numbers here are values in bytes;
#we must remember that Squid doesn't consider start/stop bits
#5000/150000 are values for the whole network
#5000/120000 are values for the single IP
#after downloaded files exceed about 150000 bytes,
#(or even twice or three times as much)
#they will continue to download at about 5000 bytes/s
delay_parameters 2 5000/150000 5000/120000
#We have set day to 09:00-23:59 before.
delay_access 2 allow day
delay_access 2 deny !day
delay_access 2 allow magic_words2

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